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Welcome to Class 7

Your child’s class teacher is Mr Clothier and the class learning support assistant is Mrs Neenan.



The children are welcome in school from 8.40am each day to complete an early morning task in the classroom.  Staff will be on duty to welcome your children when they enter the school gate and once in the school they will not be allowed to exit the school grounds.  Registration is at 8:55am.  The school day finishes at 3.20pm.

Please let Mr Clothier know, via the office, who your children will usually be collected by e.g.‘He will walk by himself each day’, ‘I will collect her from the playground’, ‘They go to School’s Out on a Monday and Tuesday’ etc. If your child is going to be collected by someone other than yourselves or if the usual arrangements change, please inform the school office who will pass on the message.


Your child needs to bring a named water bottle to school each day to ensure they stay hydrated (please note that squash is only allowed at lunchtime) and a healthy snack (fruit, vegetable sticks or a cereal bar) for break time. They will also need to wear their PE kit to school every PE day. Our class PE days at present are Monday and Wednesday.


English and mathematics homework will be set every Friday. Please return completed homework to school by the following Wednesday.

The English homework will focus on spelling, punctuation and grammar skills while the Maths homework will focus on practising mental maths skills to allow accurate and quick recall of times tables facts.

Children are also expected to read 5x each week for at least 10 minutes, ideally out loud to an adult. Reading diaries will be checked on a Monday so please ensure your child brings their reading diary every Monday, even if they have not finished reading their book. Children can change their reading book as required during the week. It is imperative that your child reads the scheme books provided by school. This is to support both their comprehension skills and their vocabulary acquisition. If they are a keen reader and wish to read other books alongside their school book please note this in their planner too.

E Safety

The safe use of the internet is a main priority in our school and it is our aim to provide children with knowledge and skills for them to use the internet safely. We will be teaching them about safe and appropriate use of the internet. It is the responsibility of parents/carers to ensure that children are using the internet in an appropriate manner at home.

We expect our younger learners to use the internet with the supervision of a responsible adult.  As children move through KS2 they will begin to use the internet more independently, but always with an adult aware of what they are doing. 

The following website offers way in which to keep your children safe online:



Volunteers are very welcome in school. Opportunities range from reading with children, gardening, support on trips etc. If you are interested, please speak to the class teacher or the school office.


The link between home and school is a vital one. Please do not hesitate to come and talk to us regarding your child.  You are welcome to make an appointment via the office. It is important that you make us aware of any changes at home e.g. medical, family circumstances etc. so we can best support your child.

Extra information

The staff in Class 7 very much foster independent thought and action by the children and your help to encourage your child to take responsibility for the organisation of their homework, reading diaries, P.E. kit etc. is much appreciated.


A Final Plea…

PLEASE NAME EVERYTHING! It makes life so much easier…

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