Purpose of Study
At Ilchester Community Primary, the study of Religious Education (RE) is a vital component of our curriculum, designed to foster a deeper understanding of the diverse world we live in. RE helps pupils explore and appreciate different religions, beliefs, and values, promoting mutual respect and tolerance.
At Ilchester school our intent is that teaching in Religious Education (RE) will assist pupils to develop the skills of enquiry and questioning. We aim to stimulate thinking and discussion about differing beliefs and the study of religions. To learn to respect and ask questions about different religions, traditions and cultures around the world. To encourage pupils to view themselves and others respecting different view points. In addition, we intend for children to be able to ask challenging and thought provoking questions about belief in God, what it means to be human, issues of right and wrong and meaning and purpose in life.
The children will gain knowledge and understanding of Christianity and other religions traditions and beliefs represented in Great Britain. To gain a Worldwide view of beliefs and understand how beliefs influence people in their behaviour, practices and outlook. Our School values (Belief, Equity, Kindness, Bravery and ) are discussed within RE lessons. Learners are encourage to have a positive attitude towards other people who hold religious beliefs from their own.
We are committed to providing a high-quality Religious Education (RE) curriculum that meets legal requirements by following the Locally Agreed Syllabus (SACRE) – AMV Somerset 2019. This curriculum will be effectively implemented through several key elements.
Firstly, we offer a broad and balanced curriculum. Our high-quality RE lessons are designed to inspire pupils to learn more about the beliefs and practices of others. Each lesson is planned to ensure that every pupil can achieve their potential in Religious Education. Children will acquire the skills needed to understand, interpret, and evaluate sources of evidence. Our progressive curriculum builds on prior knowledge and promotes multiculturalism, celebrating the cultural backgrounds of all pupils to foster a global perspective in RE.
Secondly, we focus on engaging and authentic learning experiences. Children will reflect on their own school and personal values while understanding how individuals from different backgrounds or beliefs may share similar values, even when they differ in other areas. Pupils will express their understanding of Religious Education through various forms, including dance, creativity, writing, and role-play, to deepen their engagement with the topics. We also plan visits within the local community that connect to the RE curriculum, fostering a sense of pride and belonging. Activities involving our vicar, Bruce, and the church in Ilchester provide children with valuable first-hand experiences.
Thirdly, we emphasise enquiry-based learning. Our lessons are delivered through interactive and practical activities that encourage children to formulate questions and engage in discussions during whole-class and group work. Pupils will have opportunities to ask significant questions about religions and beliefs, allowing them to investigate and connect the features of different faiths. They will develop skills to interpret the significance and impact of various forms of religious and spiritual expression. Children will also study and celebrate real events, such as festivals like Christingle, and participate in services at St Mary’s Church.
Fourthly, we prioritise explicit vocabulary instruction. Recognising the importance of language development in RE, we explicitly teach subject-specific vocabulary. Teachers utilise Subject Knowledge Organisers to ensure that vocabulary and information are clear, supporting children in using key terms and developing a strong understanding.
Finally, we promote inclusion and cultural diversity. Every child will be valued in their RE lessons, and they will learn to articulate their personal beliefs, ideas, values, and experiences while respecting the rights of others to hold different views. Pupils will be encouraged to respect and enquire about various religions, traditions, and cultures around the world. They will have opportunities to share their opinions, and their needs will be addressed to support the decisions they will make in their futures. Teachers will align their efforts with the school’s overall focus on helping students become responsible global citizens.
Examples of Work