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Your adults are Emily, Charlotte, Rhiannon, Hiroko, Ros, Bex, Grace, Sarah and Georgina. Sometimes you will also see other school staff including Mrs Mordue (Headteacher) and Mrs King (Deputy Headteacher/SENDCo).


Newsletters are sent weekly on a Friday via Parentmail and outline all the things that the children have been up to as well as the fun things they have in store for the following week. Reminders and other correspondence will be sent via Parentmail.  We also have an Early Years Facebook Page.

Snacks & Lunch

The children eat a snack in the morning, and they have their lunch at 12.15pm daily. A hot school dinner and hot teatime meal are available at an additional charge on an opt-out basis.

Outdoor Provision

The children get outdoors come rain or shine, so it is advisable to dress them accordingly. Likewise, messy play is actively encouraged at Pre-School; so please only wear clothes that you don’t mind getting dirty. More information about this can be found in our prospectus.

 Please get in touch via the Infant Department Office on

01935 840328 or  should you have any queries. 

Our Fees Policy is also available for you to view below