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Our Governors

Our Governing Body meet twice a term to discuss school management issues. The primary purpose of the Governors is to monitor the performance of the school, to ensure best practice is followed in all areas. We work in partnership with the school, striving to provide the best possible education for the children.

The Governing Body has general responsibility for the conduct of the school with a view to promoting high standards of educational achievement. This general responsibility gives rise to a wide range of specific responsibilities which in turn require the Governing Body to establish a range of procedures.


To help schools provide the best possible education for their Pupils by:

  • Thinking and working strategically to help to raise standards
  • Monitoring and evaluating progress towards the school’s priorities and targets
  • Supporting the Headteacher and Staff as well as challenging their expectations
  • Accounting to all stakeholders for the school’s overall performance and for the decisions they have made

There are three interwoven strands:

  • To take a largely strategic role in the running of the school
  • To act as a critical friend to the school
  • To ensure accountability of the governing body to the Parents and of the Headteacher to the Governing Body

The responsibilities and powers have to be exercised in partnership with the Headteacher and Staff.

Our Governors

Dan Green

Chair of Governors, Co-opted Governor

Luke Talmage

Co-opted Governor

Rev Bruce Faulkner

Vice-Chair of Governors, Co-opted Governor

Sylvia Argent

Co-opted Governor

Charlotte Jones

Clerk to the Governors

Alexander Brownlie

Co-opted Governor

Michelle Mordue


Stacey Partington-Williams

Parent Governor

Carolyn Rouse

Local Authority Governor


Vicky Williams

Parent Governor