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Class 10

Welcome To Class 10


Meet The Teacher - Mr Bowles

Mr Bowles is passionate about creating a fun, safe, and inclusive learning environment for all his pupils. From a young age, he knew he wanted to work in education; he continually strived to support his pupils in becoming critical thinkers and lifelong learners. 
Outside the classroom, Mr. Bowles has a love for travelling and exploring different cultures.


Timetable and Routines

Morning Drop-Off:

  • Children are welcome in school from 8:40 a.m. each day to complete an early morning task in the classroom.
  • Staff will be on duty to welcome your children once they enter the school gate.
  • Once inside the school, children will not be allowed to exit the school grounds.
  • Registration is at 8:55 a.m.

End of School Day:

  • The school day finishes at 3:20 p.m.

Travel Arrangements:

  • Please inform the class teacher via the office about your child’s usual travel arrangements (e.g., “I will collect them from the playground,” “They go to School’s Out on Monday and Tuesday,” etc.).
  • If your child is being collected by someone other than yourself or if the arrangements are different from normal, please inform the school office, who will pass on the message.

Thank you for your cooperation in ensuring a smooth and safe school day for everyone!



Water Bottles:

  • Your child needs to bring a named water bottle to school each day to ensure they stay hydrated.
  • Please note that squash is only allowed at lunchtime.


  • Your child should bring a healthy snack for break time, such as fruit, vegetable sticks, or a cereal bar.

PE Kit:

  • Children need to wear their PE kit to school on PE days.
  • Our class PE days are to be confirmed.

Thank you for helping us keep your child prepared and organised for school!




  • Schedule: Spelling and times tables homework will be set every Friday.
  • Submission: Please return completed homework to school by the following Wednesday.


  • Frequency: Children are expected to read 5 times each week for at least 10 minutes, ideally out loud to an adult.
  • Reading Diaries: Checked on Mondays. Please ensure your child brings their reading diary every Monday, even if they have not finished reading their book.
  • Book Changes: Children can change their reading book as required during the week.
  • School Scheme Books: Your child must read the scheme books provided by the school to support their comprehension skills and vocabulary acquisition.
  • Additional Reading: If your child wishes to read other books alongside their school book, please note this in their planner too.

Thank you for supporting your child’s learning and reading journey!


100 Club


  • All children at Ilchester Community Primary School are eligible to join the 100 Club.

How to Join:

  • Your child needs to read or be read to 100 times outside their regular school reading time.
  • They can read any type of book: library books, school books, or home books.

Recording Reads:

  • After each reading session, please sign the 100 Club record chart in front of your child’s reading record.


  • 25 Reads: Bronze badge
  • 50 Reads: Silver badge
  • 75 Reads: Gold badge
  • 100 Reads: 100 Club badge and the opportunity to select a book from the 100 Club basket as a prize.

Multiple Memberships:

  • Children can join the 100 Club multiple times, earning badges and prizes each time they complete 100 reads.

Encourage your child to read regularly and enjoy the rewards of being part of the 100 Club!