Purpose of Study
A high-quality history education will help pupils gain a coherent knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and the wider world. It should inspire pupils’ curiosity to know more about the past. Teaching should equip pupils to ask perceptive questions, think critically, weigh evidence, sift arguments, and develop perspective and judgment. History helps pupils to understand the complexity of people’s lives, the process of change, the diversity of societies and relationships between different groups, as well as their own identity and the challenges of their time.
Source: National Curriculum, 2014
At Ilchester Community Primary School we aim to inspire our children to become inquisitive and curious individuals who will gain a coherent knowledge of history locally, nationally and beyond. Children will have a clear understanding of the chronology of British history and that of the wider world while using a range of enquiry skills to support them to formulate decisions based on the past. By providing a rich and engaging learning experience, children will develop an awareness of how history shapes our present and future and they will be equipped with the essential knowledge and skills to become active and informed citizens.
Ilchester as a place holds much history with its own museum and it is well known as a Roman town. The school have good links with the community and as such use this to enhance curriculum learning.
We are dedicated to delivering a high-quality History curriculum, and this will be successfully implemented through:
1. Broad and Balanced Curriculum:
We have developed a carefully planned and sequenced overview that covers a broad range of historical topics and themes. Our curriculum covers key British and world history periods, providing a balance between local, national, and global perspectives. It is designed to be progressive, building upon prior knowledge and skills and drawing connections between different time periods.
2. Engaging and Authentic Learning Experiences:
We strive to provide pupils with immersive and authentic learning experiences. This includes visits to museums, historical sites, and places of local significance, inviting expert speakers and organising workshops. We also make use of historical resources and artefacts to enhance learning.
3. Emphasis on Enquiry-Based Learning:
We encourage our pupils to become historians, fostering their enquiry, critical thinking, and interpretation skills. They can conclude and form justified historical arguments through questioning, researching, and analysing evidence.
4. Explicit Vocabulary Teaching:
We recognise the importance of language development within history and explicitly teach subject-specific vocabulary. This supports pupils in understanding and effectively communicating historical concepts, events, and processes.
5. Inclusion and Cultural Diversity:
We also value ensuring historical diversity and inclusion within our curriculum, representing various cultures, traditions, and perspectives. This enables our pupils to develop an understanding and respect for different viewpoints, fostering a sense of empathy and tolerance.
At Ilchester Community Primary School, the impact of quality first teaching in History will foster a love and enthusiasm for the subject. Pupil voice will provide evidence that pupils are able to talk with confidence and enthusiasm about what they have learnt in history using subject specific vocabulary. Pupil voice will also demonstrate that many children enjoy History and are able to recall their learning over time – they will be encouraged to make connections with prior learning. All our children will have encountered or participated in visits/visitors to further appreciate the impact of History. Planning and Book Looks will demonstrate that History is being taught at an age-appropriate standard. Work should be of high-quality, showing that pupils are acquiring knowledge, skills, and vocabulary in a suitable sequence. Assessment will demonstrate that pupils possess knowledge and understanding, use key vocabulary, and cover all skills in the progression.